District Forms

Per CCSWD Rules, Regulations and Administrative Practices and Procedures, Chapter D, Sub-chapter 9:

The purpose of these requirements is to ensure the continued health and safety of citizens residing in the District by providing for a uniformly safe method of collecting and transporting solid waste, and assisting the District in developing a data base essential for planning, evaluation, and management of solid waste within the District’s geographic boundaries.

Arkansas Code Annotatd §8-6-721 Licensing Haulers of Solid Waste, requires regional solid waste management districts to establish and maintain a program for licensing haulers of solid waste within their respective jurisdictions and sets minimum standards for said licenses. ADEQ Regulation #22, Section 22.203 sets certain minimum requirements for licensing of solid waste haulers. The following are the requirements for any person who collects, hauls, or disposes of solid waste inside the geographical boundaries of the District.

The following persons must obtain a permit:

  • Is engaged in the collection, hauling, or disposal of solid waste within the District of Carroll county and 
  • Derives income from said services above

Quarterly Report Form

The Rules and Regulations of Carroll County Solid Waste District require that Waste Haulers collecting, hauling, or disposing of solid waste in Carroll County are required to pay a Waste Assessment fee.

Most in-state disposal facilities will collect the waste assessment fee from each hauler. It is your responsibility to ensure that the fee is paid directly to Carroll County District by you.

Each hauler shall submit to the District on or before the deadlines, a quarterly report which accurately states the total tonnage collected, hauled, or disposed of in Carroll County during the previous quarter.

Small Hauler Permit/License Application

Quarterly Reporting Form

Paper applications are available at the Administrative Office located at 706 South Main, Berryville, AR 72616