Notice of Meeting Dates, Times, and Draft Agendas for all District Board meetings will be provided by email to anyone requesting such notice. Please call District CFO at 870-423-7156 extension 2 or email [email protected] to be added to the distribution list. Notice is provided in advance of meetings and always provided at least 2 hours prior to any emergency meeting.
Regular Board meetings are scheduled at 11 a.m. on the 2nd Tuesday of the first month following each quarter (February, April, July, October and December). Emergency meetings may be called on occasion if urgent, unexpected business requires the board to meet quickly.
Board Members
The Solid Waste District Board is comprised of the County Judge or his/her appointed representative and the Mayors or his/her appointed representative for each city with a certified population of over 2,000 citizens. To view the Board of Directors contact list, click or tap the button below.
Rules & Regulations
To view the Carroll County Solid Waste District Rules, Regulations and Administrative Procedures, click or tap the Rules and Regulations button below.
*All PDF files are available for download.